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It's Ten Days Away...

Writer: Karen AstromskyKaren Astromsky

Quitter's Day, that is; January 12, 2024. It's the day that most people who made new year's resolutions have quit them. Yes, all of twelve days to abandon all the hype about making this the BEST YEAR EVERRRRRR. We said that last year too, by the way.

You know I am not into resolutions. Your life is not a resolution. You are not a problem to be fixed. You are not attached to the man-made calendar that says as of January 1 of whatever new year, all is going to be different, healthy, skinny, sobery, clean, organized, edited, refined, drama-free, problem-free, good vibes get it! Toxic positivity and new year's resolutions are kissing cousins in my book.

You are, my friend, at all times, from birth to death, ENOUGH. It's true. You are an evolution.

The present moment is ENOUGH. It can't be yesterday, and it can't jump to tomorrow or to your spring break on the beach. It can't, and you can't. By living in the present moment, you simply show up as you are. You are imperfectly perfect, perfectly imperfect just like all other human beings on the planet. It's messy. It's not drama free. It just is.

You can be ok now--AND want more fulfillment in your life. You can be ok with your weight today--AND want to lose some pounds. We are "both and" people who can hold two seemingly opposing thoughts and beliefs at the same time.

Maybe you would like to put your effort, energy, commitment, time behind something different today or tomorrow or next week. I say go for it! Dial it in. Set it up. Make it happen. Be the qi (chi) you want to see. You didn't have to wait for my permission or pages on the calendar to turn to do it, though. You can redirect yourself whenever you want. No matter what is going on around you.

"But, Karen--everybody is losing 50 pounds this year and making it the BEST YEAR EVERRRRRR, and I want that too."

Talk to me on Thursday, January 11 at 7PM central when I will be hosting a live ZOOM for you and any of your friends or family who are looking to get right with themselves.

Why am I waiting until January 11? Because January 12 is Quitter's Day, and that is a Friday, and no one wants to come to Zoom at 7PM on Friday night!

Personally, I started this year with a lingering chronic sinusitis, hence the delayed new year's greeting. I organized my house, ironed Christmas napkins in between steaming and rinsing my sinuses. I washed the window in the garage and put up clean curtains there. I piled up bed linens that I am never using again to go to Goodwill. I listened to a three hour coaching by one of my coaches as I did two face masks and a pedicure. I stayed home in yoga pants with no make up and didn't feel ONE SINGLE BIT like this was going to be the best year everrrrrrrr.

One day--one week--does not make the best year everrrrr. It happens in moments. Quiet ones where you start to let go of the crap that doesn't serve you anymore. You let go of the person you thought you wanted to be or weigh or think or feel or act--and become the one you choose to be now... older, wiser, more miles on the meter and wiser. So much wiser, my friends. That is where you feel the truth that always was and is and always will be. You are enough.

Mark your calendar, and join me on Thursday January 11 at 7PM on ZOOM for an interactive discussion, journaling, sharing and ACTION taking plan for you to align with what looks and feels like fulfillment to you NOW. The version of you that shows up NOW.

Desires... what are they? get dreamy!

Goals... what are you going to accomplish? call it out!

Habits... what would help you run your life with more ease? it looks like?

Fulfillment... what makes your life worth living anyway? your heart is bursting! you are thriving! you feel enough!

Happy New Year, my Friends. I am here to serve, so come and be served!

xo Coach Karen :))

This is What I Really Want: Dial in Desires/Goals/Habits/Fulfillment

Jan 11, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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