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Writer's pictureKaren Astromsky

It's "NO"vember, so... What will it be?

I thought I had your attention! That was me, several years ago, in Barcelona--maybe it was November...when I was upside down. I spent that trip imitating yoga poses inspired by places throughout the city, and this is me, being a ham, next to the famous Spanish hams that are found hanging upside down in the delis.

And this is how I think of this time of year. Holiday"ish" time. From October to New Year's Day, there is a lot to look at, be swept up in, partake in at parties and restaurants, AND there is a lot to say NO to if you choose.

Therein lies the rub. There is tradition. We've always done it this way. That means built in expectation. We've always had all these people over or gone over there, or done that. And then there is such a thing as creating new traditions. It's allowed. It's encouraged. It's to be celebrated when you find that you do not look forward to holiday time, parties, restaurants, people, expenses, cards, and the way things always seem to go.

CovidWORLD taught us that what was may no longer be. What we thought we had to do came to a screeching and "screening" halt in 2020. At that time, some people realized they prefer holidays without the hustle and bustle and certain "mixed nuts" (God, please help them.) on the family tree. It's ok. It's not judging. It's just not for you anymore, maybe?

Giving yourself permission to blaze a new trail at holiday time is a tricky tight rope to walk depending on who is involved. With that in mind, I am bringing back my "NOT THIS YEAR, SATAN" 4 week coaching, on Tuesday nights, on zoom at 7-8PM. This will start Tuesday November 28 (right after Thanksgiving and Black Friday) and go until Tuesday December 19 (during Chanukah and right before Christmas and New Year's). You are getting the sneak preview here. Black Friday offer is coming...

We are going to have a free pre-Thanksgiving coaching on Tuesday November 21 at 7PM. This is for any and all people who need more direction on how to navigate this potentially draining time of year.

This is for people who want a clear action plan on how they will be eating, celebrating, spending, creating boundaries (a biggie), keeping the cranky family members away from your joy and maybe even coping if you are experiencing a loss this holiday time and still--finding time for YOU and your version of FUN. Holidays aren't just for little kiddos. It's for you and me, my Friend.

How are YOU going to play it? How are you going to celebrate? How are you going to say NO to Satan, and YES to Santa (YOU)? How are those two names spelled almost exactly the same? I told you. It's a fine line that we will make very clear together.

This is not for people who have housekeepers, maids, personal shoppers and gift wrappers, families who have all been healed through decades of therapy put into action and are medicated, with limitless budgets who are boxing at their normalized weight and know what to wear and when to leave. If that's you--bravo. Hit me up with a message because I'd love to hear your story. I'll be sharing my story of what I am saying NO to this year.

If that's not you exactly, and you are looking for a sign that this year can be different. This is it. This is your sign. You will be in good company.

I will see you on Tuesday November 21 at 7PM central. Bring your friends. Bring your family. Bring something to write with. Expect to laugh, get coached and find supportive community all through the magique of Zoom. Thanks, CovidMONSTER, now we stay connected even if we can't meet in person.

xo Coach Karen :)) always in your corner

Not this Year, Satan! Oh NO!

Tuesday November 21, 2023 7PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 845 9865 1479

P.S. Feel free to share this with a friend.

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